Monday, June 16, 2008

Sometimes Prayers don’t yeild expected results, Why?

(Translated in English from the original Hindi version from excerpt by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji)
Once ones prayer completes, the state of his conscious mind reflects, the quality of prayer. As after having food, the satisfaction one gets cannot be conveyed by words, similarly one who is praying can himself feel and experience that the prayer happened today, gives a feeling of completion or no.
Prayerer knows this from inside. His conscious, intuition tells him the result of his prayer. He understands by heart and his state of mind, the completion, or incompletion of his prayer. There is no debate of any kind inside him, because this or that if feel prayer is complete. Inside here only exists is satisfaction which tells him, prayer is completed and completed by heart.
Many people have a wrong belief, or are under a wrong impression that Prayer does not yield results. The truth is we don’t see the results the manner in which, we like to see the results of the prayer, but certainly prayer always bears fruits, yield results, therefore we should continue praying. Let’s understand with this example;
One person was continuously praying for the life of an ailing old man, who was on his deathbed, counting his last few moments. Anyone seeing him could feel that death would entangle him any moment. After 3-4 days, that old man died and the person who was praying said, ‘My prayer didn’t yield result, I had prayed from the bottom of my heart and yet the old man died.’ If we observe this scenario from another angle, a different picture can be seen, that it was because of this person’s prayer only that the old man could live 3-4 days longer. This scenario proves that praying was continuously working for him.
Similarly, there are many things unknown about the Prayer. Nobody knows or understands what type of Power, Prayer is generating, because this cannot be seen, this is unseen. For example, when you operate the television with a remote control, you cannot see but everyone knows that there is some connection between the television and remote control. Similarly, direct results of the Prayer are unseen, cannot be seen but its effect is continuously happening. Still many people have a wrong belief, or are under a wrong impression that if not all, sometimes, Prayer does not yield results. This has two answers PRAYER and WANT.
First Answer – When we pray, desiring something, sometimes a desire should not be fulfilled. Sometimes an unfulfilled desire will remind you that your desires have always been fulfilled. The Sun rises everyday and one day if it does not rise, people will say, ‘Oh! The sun didn’t rise today’ that means all these days the sun rised, no one remember it, and the day sun didn’t rise, reminded of sun rising everyday. When a person’s breadth is about to stop, reminds him of he is breathing continuously. Sometimes breathing should stop, Sometimes all should happen. If sometimes these happen, don’t worry.
The Sometimes that happens, happens something different, this is that imbibes Awareness; otherwise it’s always unawareness’ surrounded. Everyone is Ignorant, that’s why no one thinks about Ignorance. One day when something different happens, leaves you astound, opens your eyes and imbibes Awareness. One night you find a Burglar in your home, you heard something rare and instantly got up from your bed. However, if this rare sound is heard everyday, the person will be in deep sleep even if the burglar comes. That’s why sometimes; different environment have to be created. If sometimes prayer does not yield result, don’t worry.
Second Answer – Sometimes Prayer is not been Listened or being Listened late, the reason being most of the times we pray in ignorance. We don’t know if we really need the thing or no for which we are praying.
For example, when people go to a Mall during festivities, purchase many things. On seeing, many things at one place and time people also purchase many things that they don’t require. After coming home, they get to know, ‘oh! This thing could have been purchased from so and so place at a very cheaper price’ … ‘Oh! This thing was not required.’ … ‘This was already in my home, I unnecessarily bought it’. This way people also buy unnecessary things at a Mall during festivities and further think, ‘will the shopkeeper take it back… lets make a try… may be he accepts… and takes it back. This way unnecessarily one is wasting time and money.
Some people repent, ‘now I have already purchased it… when I had this already at home… and am wasting additional space for it also… now the person will neither use that nor will he every feel like giving it to others. Most of them have many old unwanted things lying in their home, which they neither use nor give it to someone. Unnecessarily clean it, keep it, every time.
Similarly, most of them ignorantly pray for a thing, not knowing if it was really needed, so it is good that particular prayer does not yield result, that time that particular thing was not required. God by not fulfilling the prayer gives us an opportunity to rethink and ask our selves, ‘do I really need this thing for which I did pray, ‘did I need it or no’.
You could also try to understand this in another way. Many a times we pray, we only Order for it. Then we ask God, ‘can I cancel my order?’ Then God keeps your Order on hold, gives you an opportunity to rethink, ‘do I really need this, or should I cancel the order?
Understand this scenario; whenever any of prayer does not yield result ask yourself, ‘should I cancel my Order? Do I really need it?
Let us try to understand this prayer scenario with another example. You have gone to a Fair and you felt you should purchase a particular thing and did not purchase it. You could not take your decision there at that time. And when you come back home you say, ‘I should have purchased it… today was the last day… now I cannot purchase it also. Don’t know further, when this fair will be stalled… when will I go… how nice it would have been if I had purchased it… that time I did not feel that I should purchase… and so on…
Similarly, most of times, we don’t feel the necessity of prayer or you may feel what the necessity to pray for these things… I don’t like to pray for such small things… and later you feel that there was a need for that thing. The things, which we have always ignored, are the ones much needed.
Hence always remember you need to have faith when you pray, you need to have that required conviction, otherwise most of times we make this mistake (when prayer is unheard) of double-checking. Always checking ‘is my prayer complete. Infact you should ask yourself, ‘why did my prayer yield results?’ … What was missing in that? Etc. When you ask your self, you will understand your own behavior – are you faithful or are you doubter. Doubter is one who is always is doubts. You will understand that your prayer was about to yield results, that thing was coming to you, but your because of your doubts, that thing got stuck, stopped before reaching you. There are so many such things stuck, stopped around you. If we respond, these things will start coming to us, which were not coming. When you should have continued prayer, you stopped it.
Prayer and Result; lets try and understand this with another example. One day a man had a thought of digging out Diamonds. He purchased the required digging machine for that as well. He did not get any diamonds even after a long time and far too deep. Now he started thinking, I have not able to find any diamonds, this is not working for me, fed up of it, and he decides to sell those machines to a broker. On getting so many machines, broker thought, ‘I have got these machines as such a lower price, let me try and dig out’. The broker had digged out just 3 feet deep and 3 feet below he started getting diamonds. The person who had these machines first, who had worked so hard, if he had waited for another 3 more days, digged out 3 more feet deep, he could got all those diamonds which the broker got. On understanding this lesson, he started trying until he succeeded in all other works. Whenever he starts a new work, he is reminded of this lesson, not to make the same mistake, which he did in diamond digging. After this AWARENESS, his tremendous growth in his business and had success all his life. He lost the diamonds but learnt the best lesson of life.
Similarly, in Prayer, people don’t have patience, loose confidence. Hence, whenever any of your prayer does not yield result, means you are missing something, something is missing in you. In such times, you have had patience, you would have had patience for life, made your prayers complete and bear the fruits. There are multiple reasons for the Prayer not yielding results. Life is teaching you lessons. You are been taught various lessons by means of each prayer.
Most of the times, we doubt that our Prayer did not yield result. For example, you are at hotel, you have ordered for a particular sweet, which is round, circular in shape, and the waiter gets your dish, which is square, then you would feel this is not what I have ordered for. You always have in mind that particular sweet has to be round, because you have always seen that sweet in round shape. Therefore, you always try to see it in round, now that the square one is in front of you, same taste, but still the square shape distracted your eyes. Its good that we don’t have 4 eyes otherwise, how much would they be distracted.
Similarly, at times, Prayers have yielded results, but what if you don’t have the eyes to recognize it? You may feel my prayer did not yield result, was not complete, but see ahead, just open your eyes, Prayer has already yielded results. You have received the answer, and you are questioning on and on, repeatedly, infact it is important to recognize the answer. Once you understand the answer to your Prayer, then will it come into action. On receiving the answer, things start happening the way it should.
Are you the only one Praying, there are millions of people praying in the world. Every one has their own understanding. There are multiple features to be understood about Prayer. How can you understand about Prayer, without understanding all its features?
Most of the times, one who is praying does understand or does not know what is good for him, hence he does a wrong prayer. Prayer is not being listened to in such scenarios to make him understand.

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